The Humbling River

Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Acoustic Guitar (nylon]
Acoustic Guitar (nylon]
Mandolin Right
Acoustic Guitar (nylon]
Mandolin Left
Acoustic Guitar (nylon]
Pad 1 (new age]
Vocals 1
Acoustic Guitar (steel]
Vocals 2
Acoustic Guitar (steel]


Na-ture nur-ture hea-ven and home Sum of all and by them dri-ven To con-quer ever-y moun-tain shown But I've ne-ver crossed the ri-ver Braved the fo-rest braved the stone Braved the ic-y winds and fi-re Braved and beat them on my own Yet I'm help-less by the ri-ver An-gel an-gel what have I done? I faced the quakes the wind the fi-re I've con-quered coun-try crown and throne Why can't I cross this ri-ver? An-gel an-gel what have I done? I faced the quakes the wind the fi-re I've con-quered coun-try crown and throne Why can't I cross this ri-ver? Pay no mind to the batt-les you've won It-'ll take a lot more than rage and mus-cle O-pen your heart and hands my son Or you'll ne-ver make it over the ri-ver It'll take a lot more than words and guns A whole lot more than ri-ches and mu-scle The hands of the ma-ny must join as one And to-ge-ther we'll cross the ri-ver It'll take a lot more than words and guns A whole lot more than ri-ches and mu-scle The hands of the ma-ny must join as one And to-ge-ther we'll cross the ri-ver It'll take a lot more than words and guns A whole lot more than ri-ches and mu-scle The hands of the ma-ny must join as one And to-ge-ther we'll cross the ri-ver It'll take a lot more than words and guns A whole lot more than ri-ches and mu-scle The hands of the ma-ny must join as one And to-ge-ther we'll cross the ri-ver And to-ge-ther we'll cross the ri-ver And to-ge-ther we'll cross the ri-ver Na-ture nur-ture hea-ven and home And to-ge-ther we'll cross the ri-ver Na-ture nur-ture hea-ven and home And to-ge-ther we'll cross the ri-ver